Why suddenly learn Data?
Honestly, I don’t know. I’m just following my curiosity. Maybe it started after watching “Start-Up” #TeamNamDoSan.
Luckily, I found out data is interesting.
In this first Medium post, I will share my new journey of learning data with anakdata.id. I stumbled upon an anakdata post on LinkedIn announcing FGD Batch III with the title “Let’s Learn New Skill: Data Analysis.” At first, I wasn’t sure about signing up for the FGD because I wasn’t familiar with data. But my curiosity got the better of me, so I asked through Instagram DM, “I’m a newbie, can I join?”
And here I am.
The FGD period is 3 weeks long and started on January 11th, 2021. We had virtual classes twice a week to learn the basics of data analysis. To ensure we understood the theory, the facilitators gave us quizzes and case studies. The most interesting part of the FGD was when everyone in the class had to present their analysis on a case study.
The first week, the facilitator told us about Why data?, How to become a data analyst, and Descriptive statistics. The most interesting insight is about learning the data analyst workflow, what we should do in the first step when we see the data. Also, learn why we need to apply descriptive statistics such as mean, median, min, max, mode, and quartile to the data. So, I try to apply this basic statistic to describe the data of merchant Y transactions.
During the first week, the facilitator covered topics such as “Why Data?”, “How to Become a Data Analyst”, and “Descriptive Statistics”. The most interesting insight was about learning the data analyst workflow and the initial steps to take when examining data. We also learned why it’s important to apply descriptive statistics, such as mean, median, min, max, mode, and quartiles, to the data. I tried to apply these basic statistics to describe the data of merchant Y’s transactions.
In the second week, we learned about inferential statistics. It was quite difficult for me because I wasn’t sure if I had learned it in university before. However, the facilitators were very helpful and provided practical ways to apply it. Then, I tried to explore inferential statistics in my case study using correlation and regression analysis.
Besides the theory class, other participants presented their analyses this week. It was mind-blowing to see how one case study could produce various results from everyone.
Finally, we reached the last week. I discovered the importance of databases, SQL, and data visualisation. There are many tools we should know to analyse data and communicate the results. I’ll never forget when the facilitator said, “Data visualisation is a combination of art and science.” It was fascinating.
This week, I also had the opportunity to present my analysis of a case study about the transactions of Merchant Y. I reported a summary of the entire data set, analyzed the customers and products of the business, and shared the results of my inferential analysis.
Overall, I had a great time during the program. The facilitators were friendly and experts in their field, making it easy to understand the material.
Many thanks for anakdata.id, especially to the great facilitators @FauzanNugraha, @MariaSiagian, @IntanShella, for sharing their knowledge with us.
Can’t wait to see the next program of anakdata.id. Keep learning!
#anakdataid #howtobecomeadataanalyst